the preceding Night at cutting Cards and then desired Symmonds would
got a pack of Cards and that he west would show him his Felly, that Symmonds
replied he would and askt West where he could get them, that West then
desired him to go out and buy a new pack, that Symmonds there went out
and soon after returned with cards in his Hands which appeared to
Informant to be old ones, that West then pretended to show Symmond
how he had been cheated the Night before and opened the Cards to Informant
and told him the disadvantage Symmonds cut at by having all below
five and the other all above and the fifth stood for nothing, that then
West and Symmonds began to play for Money which West won and
threw a shilling to Informant and then a Guinea and sayd that he
should go a part with him, that West desired Informant to cut for
him which he at first declared doings but upon being askt again he
consented and was told by West that he should have part of what he
West got, that smith was also askt by West if he would be concerned
who say'd he would upon which Informant cut till he lost Nine or Ten
[..] Guineas which was all the Cash he had about him except
some silver that Informant then say'd he had lost all his money
upon which west askt him if he had any Notes about him, that
Informant then took Bank Notes two of Twenty Pounds, one of Twenty
five Pounds and one of Ten pounds together accounting to seventy five
Pounds out of his Pocket which he lay upon the Table and West
handed them to Symmonds to make the Bett good who took them
under his Care and say'd he would, that Smith and West also And
Down some sort of Notes but not Bank which were also handed
the Symmonds, and Informant was then asked to out the Cards which
he refused doing upon which West cut a Court Card, and Informant
thereupon commanded his Notes, which Symmonds refused to give
him and West creed out double or quit, that the Cards were again
cutt and austhe high Card
came up, and West again sayd double
or quit, upon which Symmonds instantly took up all the Notes