to Kent
William Manley< no role >
, detained on oath of
Josiah Andrews< no role >
, on suspicion of steal-
ing a great quantity of 2 inch and half yellow deals, the property of
Mess. Sansors and Major Henniker. Dated Nov. 3, 1781.
Detained on oath of Thomas Horner< no role >
, he standing indicted at Hicks's
Hall for a certain trespass and assault upon him, the said Thomas
Horner. Dated Nov. 7, 1781.
Detained on oath Samuel Sander and another, and his own confession,
for having feloniously taken and carried away, in the county of Kent
two hundred and eleven 2 inch and half yellow deals, the property of
the said Samuel Sanders< no role >
. Dated Nov. 12, 1781.
Detained on oath of Samuel Sanders< no role >
, for stealing, in the county of Kent
two hundred and twelve deals, the property of him the said Samuel
Sanders and Major Henniker. Dated Nov. 16, 1781.
13 John Fonsoy, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed by W. Blackborow
Esq; on oath of John Allcock< no role >
, on suspicion of stealing about 60 pounds
weight of truss hoop nails. Dated Nov. 12, 1781.
14 Richard Carroll< no role >
, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed by J. Sherwood,
Esq; on oath of Richard Bevan< no role >
, on suspicion; and detained for bur-
glariously breaking and entering his dwelling house with intent to steal
his goods. Dated Nov. 12 and 14, 1781.
Detained on oath of David Andrews< no role >
, for burglariously breaking and en-
tering his dwelling house, in the parish of St. Botolph, Aldgate
, and
stealing one brass cock, the property of Thomas Pearce< no role >
. Dated Nov.
14, 1781.
15 Frances Hart< no role >
, wife
of Nathan Hart< no role >
, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed
by J. Girdler, Esq; on oath of John Williamson< no role >
, junr
. on a violent
suspicion of stealing out of the shop of John Williamson< no role >
, senr
. 2 pair
of spun silk hose, and 10 cotton caps. Dated Nov. 13, 1781.
Detained on oath of John Williamson< no role >
, senr
. on suspicion of being con-
cerned with several other women in stealing, in his shop, two pair of
silk spun hose, and ten cotton caps. Dated Nov. 19, 1781.
Detained on oath of Edward Lloyd< no role >
, on a violent suspicion of being con-
cerned with several other women unknown, in stealing out of his shop
2 pieces of printed callico for gowns, and 2 diaper table cloths, his
property. Dated Nov. 13 and 16, 1781.
Detained on oath of John Diddear, on Suspicion of feloniously receiving
from some persons unknown one piece of black alamode, containing 52
yards and a half, and one other piece of alamode, containing 4 yards,
Knowing the same to be stolen. Dated Nov. 16, 1781.
Detained on oath of John Didder, on a violent suspicion of being con
cerned with others in stealing out of his shop, in the city of London
, 1
piece of black alamode, containing 52 yards and a half, and one other
piece of alamode containing 4 yards, his property. Dated Nov. 19, 1781.
16 Thomas Fulham< no role >
, in Clerkenwell-bridewell
, committed by J. Sherwood,
Esq; on oath of Jacob Archer< no role >
and another, for stealing 2 square wrought
iron English bars, value 5s. the property of James Jones< no role >
. Dated Nov.
17, 1781.