Solomon Legg< no role >
, in New prison
, committed by
D. Walker< no role >
, Esq
; on oath of
Dennis M'Cartney< no role >
, on suspicion of stealing a shirt, a black silk cloak
and a Child's great coat, the property unknown. Dated Nov. 23,1781.
Detained on oath of Thomas Gillingham< no role >
and others, for stealing a shirt,
a child's great coat, a scarlet cloak, Etc. his property. Dated Nov.
24, 1781.
Hannah Mumford< no role >
, spinster
, otherwise
Hannah wife< no role >
Henry Green< no role >
otherwise Hannah< no role >
wife of
James Smith< no role >
, in New prison
, committed by
John Barnfather< no role >
James Croft< no role >
, Esqrs
. on oath of
John Barrow< no role >
and others, for privately stealing in the shop of
Blanchard Coward< no role >
, in
the parish of St. Giles in the Fields
, ten yards of lawn,value 37s.
Dated Nov. 23, 1781.
Mary Theobalds< no role >
, in New prison
, committed by
John Croft< no role >
Parker,< no role >
. on oath of
Elizabeth< no role >
wife of
John Errington< no role >
another, for stealing a cotton gown, value 10s. Dated Nov, 26, 1781.
Elizabeth Price< no role >
, in New prison
, committed by W. Addington, Esq;
on oath of
John Partridge< no role >
, for stealing in her ready furnished lodgings
a pair of sheets, a pillow case, and a flat iron. Dated Nov. 27, 1781.
for surrey 51
William Strange< no role >
, in New prison
, standing charged by warrant, under
the hand and feal of the right honourable
William Lord Mansfield< no role >
, on
a certificate to his lordhip by the clerk of affize of the home circuit,
that, at the delivery of the gaol of the lord the king of his county of
, holden at Guildford
in and for the said county, on Monday the
14th of July, 1780,
William Strange< no role >
, late of the parish of St. George
the Martyr
, within the borough
of Southwark
, in the county of Surry,
, was and stands indicted, together with
Samuel Barwick< no role >
the same place, labourer, for a robbery on
Thomas Wells< no role >
, in the dwell-
ing house of
Robert Trim< no role >
, in the said parish of St George the Martyr
To which said indictment he the said
William Strange< no role >
hath not been
arraigned, or taken his trial thereupon. Dated the 24th day of Sep-
tember, 1781.
Hannah Brown< no role >
, in Tothillfields bridewell
committed by S. Wright, Esq.
on oath of
Catherine Thiftlethwayte< no role >
and others, for stealing several
gowns, petticoats, lace ruffles, tippets, counterpanes, Etc. Dated
Nov. 30, 1781.
James Cherrick< no role >
, in Clerkenwell bridewell
, committed by
Edmund Pepys< no role >
Esq; on oath of
Richard Evans< no role >
,on suspicion of stealing a quantity of
leaden pipe his property. Dated Nov. 28, 1781.
Detained as an evidence in his Majesty< no role >
's behalf against William Downes< no role >
now in custody for feloniously breaking, stealing , and taking away a
quantity of leaden pipe, value 10s. the property of Richard Evans< no role >
Dated Nov. 30, 1781.