St. James's
16th. January 1778
The following Persons having been tried and
Convicted before You at the Session held at the Old
Bailey in December last Vizt.
John North< no role >
of stealing a Bay Golding.
William Border< no role >
of Burglary.
Morgan Rice< no role >
of breaking and unto sing
the Stable of Thomas Hull< no role >
and stealing a Quantity
of Bridles a Saddle Etc.
Thomas Field< no role >
of a Highway Robbery.
And you having by Certificate under your
hand humbly recommended them to The King
as fit Objects of His Majestys Morey on
Condition that They the said John North< no role >
William Borden< no role >
, Morgan Rice< no role >
and Thomas
Field< no role >
be respectively kept to Hard Labour
for the Term of Five Years in raising Sand
Soil and Gravel from, and cleansing the River
, and other Service for the Benefit of the
Navigation of the said River under the
Management and Direction of the Overseer or
Overseers appointed in pursuance of on Act of
Parliament passed in the Sixteenth Year of
Recorder of London.