City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

9th September 1777 - 27th May 1779

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150890034

Image 34 of 18926th December 1777


72 William Stevens< no role > ,
John Pugh< no role > ,
Henry Green< no role > ,
Thomas Dunn< no role > ,
Robert Griffiths< no role > ,}
committed by J. Cox, John Croft< no role > , and James Croft< no role > ,
Esqrs . on oath of John Wale< no role > , an others, for burgla-
riously breaking and entering his dwelling-house in the
parish of St. Luke, Chelsea , and stealing a great quan-
tity of wearing apparel, a mahogany tea chest, and a
garnet gold ring, value £50. Dated Jan. 9, 1778.

73 Elizabeth Sidey< no role > , committed by J. Cox, John Croft< no role > , and James Croft< no role > ,
Esqrs . on oath of John Wale< no role > and others, on suspicion of feloniously
receiving from John Pugh< no role > , William Stevens< no role > , and others, a great quan-
tity of wearing apparel, value £50. the property of the said John Wale< no role > ,
knowing the same to be stolen. Dated Jan. 9, 1778.

74 George Wise< no role > , from New-prison , committed by R. Taylor, Esq; charged on
oath on suspicion of stealing 6 sheep skins the property of Thomas Harri-
< no role > , from his house at Ashford , Middlesex . Dated Jan. 9, 1778.

75 Ann Atby< no role > , committed by J. Sherwood, Esq; on oath of William Hard< no role > -
ing, for privately stealing from his person 8s. in money, his property.
Dated Jan. 10, 1778.

76 Thomas Groves< no role > , from New-prison , committed by W. Hallett, Esq; on
oath of Thomas Stringfield< no role > , for stealing out of his woodhouse a game
cock and a chicken, value 5s. Dated Jan. 10, 1778.

77 John Stewart< no role > , from Tothillfields-bridewell , committed by Sir J. Field-
ing, Knt. and S. Wright, Esq; on oath of Matthew Swift< no role > , on suspicion
of having been guilty of diverse felonies and robberies. Dated
Dec. 22, 1777.

Detained on oath of George Hutton< no role > and another, for feloniously assault-
ing him on the highway in the county of Surry, putting him in fear,
and feloniously taking from his person a watch and a silver seal. Dated
Dec. 24, 1777.

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