City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

9th September 1777 - 27th May 1779

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150890012

Image 12 of 18916th January 1778

To the Right Honourable Sir James
< no role > Knight Lord Mayor of
the City of London and the Worshipful
the Aldermen his Majority's Justices
of the Peace for the same City at their
General Quarter Sessions of the Peace

The Humble Petition of the
several Consumers of Oats within
the City of London and the Liberties


That for some time past the Common Market
Price of middling British Oats at the new Corn
Market in Mark Lane hath exceeded the Term of
sixteen Shillings the Quarter-the continuance
whereof your Petitioners apprehend will prove
very detrimental to the City in General, and to your
Petitioner in particular

That your Petitioners are ready to make
the Truth hereof appear and to prove the same
in such manner as by the Statutes in that behalf
is required

Your Petitioners therefore
most humbly pray that this Honourable
Court will take their Case into
consideration and proceed to examine
and determine the Common Market
Price of middling British Oats
as the same is now and have been
lately bought and sold in the Markets
of this City and to certify the same
to his Majesty's Chief Officer and
Collector of the Customs in such manner
as by the Statutes in this behalf is
required and directed.

And your Petitioners shall ever Pray Etc.

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