City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th July 1749 - 10th December 1750

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150610034

Image 34 of 10117th April 1750

being able to go out himself for the Reasons aforesd
this Deponent did send notice thereof tell & said
Harrison desiring him to appear and take his Tryal the last sessions
without the Testimony of this Deponent and the said
Harrison in some few days afterwards prooved to this
Deponent a paper writing which the sd Harrison told
this Deponent was a Copy of Articles of Barretry exhibited
against him in this Honourable Court and that one
of the Acts of Barretry charged against the said
Harrison appears to be on account of suing the said
Sherriff of surry in this Deponents name in the Cause
above mentioned And this Dept Saith that he did give
a Warrant to the said Harrison in Writing to saw
the sd Sherriff and that this Deponent apprehends
himself to be a very material Witness few the said
Harrison upon the sd. Indictment of Barretry And
that he was not able to attend the Last Sessions
or in a Capacity to make any affidavit and that this
Dert runs a great Risgue of his Life on account of
his Disordens aforesd. and for those reasons has not
able to get the said Harrison to attend this Court
to take his Trial but is in hopes to shall to able
to do it by the next sessions

Sworn this 23d April 1750 before
the Right Honoble the Ld Mayor
at Guildhall London

By the Court

Wm Candon< no role >

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