City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th July 1749 - 10th December 1750

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150610023

Image 23 of 1015th March 1750

Dr Sr

One Muck Hollis< no role > was committes
by the Clitherow asusbe for Middle to Newgate
abt. a Mouth age for a Robbery [..] beleive
some Goods of [..] whibs A [..] bury in
BucksabtHollis is one of a age
Gangs of Theory in our Wybourn lived many
of whom you have are to be [..]
[..] at out assizes wch falls our
the same day the assizes for Bucks is &
Goldwin & other witnesses cant att our
both assizes an the same day I thrope Dpont
you totakego to the proper officer & luke Care
ye Hollis is not discharges by want of a
prosecute [..] yt to is orders who removes to
Bucks but I wd not became his removed
bill after the next assizes see Bucks over I suppose
on the Commitmt. it appears to be a Crime
committed in Bucksif notIf an assizes
necessary Goldwin 1 bull come the Sessions
at the od Baily begin tomorrow
send me by Thursday not further frydays
Court a Mercht. will 6 Stamps fun
Rowvery in a Copy hold Court

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