City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th July 1749 - 10th December 1750

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150610039

Image 39 of 10123rd April 1750

Parish of Clapham

23d. April 1750 filed



Upon the reading of this
Petition & the notice annext
wch was proved upon the oath
of Joseph Radley< no role > to be served
last Friday upon Joseph
< no role > therein named by
deliving the same to the sd.
Joseph Hattons Wife at his
House in Hounsditch in London
upon Examining several other
persons upon Oath by wch it
appeared to this Court that the
within named Mary palmer< no role > is [..]
[..] ye of age a poor & unable to
work or maintain herself & that
the [..] became a Charge to ye parish
of [..] Surry [..]

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