The King agt.
Hannah Benson< no role >
on an Indictmt. for Perjury
Francis Waters< no role >
of the Parish of Saint Bridgett otherwise
London Gentleman
maketh oath That John Caldecott< no role >
who is Clerk
to the Honble. Mr. Justice Wright is a Material Witness in
behalf of the Prosecution and without whose Testimony the prosecutors
Cannot Proceed to the Tryal of the said Defendant for that the said Mr.
Caldecott is the Person who swore the said Hannah Benson< no role >
to the
truth of the Information mentioned and settforth in the Indictment
against the Defendant and this Deponenent further saith that the said Mr.
Caldecott did this Morning sett out of Town upon the Oxford Circuit as an
officer under the Honble Mr. Justice Foster as this Informant was to his
surprize Informed thereof at Judge wrights Chambers this Morning where
this Dept. not knowing thereof went in order to subpena the said Mr. Caldcott
in this came By means whereof the Presentors are Deprived of having
the Benefit of his Testimony at this Present sessions But this Deponent
believes and makes no Doubt of having the said Mr. Caldecott at the next
sessions to give Evidence against the said Hannah Benson< no role >
Sworn in Court at Justicehall
in the old Bailey
in the Suburbs of
the City of London
or Monday the
5th day of March 1749
By the County
Frans. Wabers< no role >