London Ss
S Lovell Recordr.
Robt Geffery< no role >
Whereas complaynt hath beene made unto us whose hands and
seales are hereunto sett two of third Majesties Justices of the peace for
the said Cittie of London one being of the Quores by the Churchwarden
and Overseers of ye. poore of ye Pish of St. Buttolph wth out Bppsgate
London, That
John Howard< no role >
by vertue of a Passe Warrant undr. the
hands and seales of two of third Majesties Justices of the Peace for
the County of Middx and being of ye Quores careing date the fifth
day of this instant October, was past into theire said parrish
under presence of his last settlement, being in the said Pish
as an Apprentice
with on
Gilbert Peirson< no role >
a Shoemaker
, of
whome hee served about the spare of six weekes, And for
as much as it appeares un to upon the Oath of the said
John Howard< no role >
, that after hee was Discharged, from the
Gilbert Peirson< no role >
, by the Consent of his Mother and
master his said
Mary Howard< no role >
, Did binde him
forth as an Apprentice, for seaven apeares to one
Gyles< no role >
a Shoomakers
in Hockey in the Hole
in the Pish of
St. Andrews Holborne
in the County of Middx, where
served Three yeares and a halfe of his tyme, since
These are therefore in therein Majesties names to require
and Concerned you the Officers of the pish of St. Buttolph
Bpps Gate aforesaid some or one of you to take passed and
carry away the said
John Howard< no role >
out of your said Pish
the Pish of St Andrews Holborne
in the said County of
Middx and there deliver him unto ye Churchwardens
or Overseers of the yeare of the same, or to some or end
of them, Who are hereby likewise in third Majestice
names required the said
John Howard< no role >
to receive and
provide for according to Law And hereof you nor any
of you are to fayle Given vied. our hands and shall
this 21th. day of October Anno Dom 1693
To the Churchwardens Constable and Overseers of the
poore of the Pish of st. Buttolph BppsGate
aforesaid &
all other the dire Majesties office and Ministery whom
this may concerned.