City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040217

Image 217 of 23221st October 1693

Ovrseers of St. Andrews
holborn above carry Petion

21st Oct

To the Rt. honorble the Ld. Mayor & other
their Maties Justices of the peace for
London now sitting at Guild-hall

The humble petiton & appeal of the Overseers of the
poor of St. Andrews holborn above


That by warrt. undr. the hands & Seals of the Rt. Worspful
Sr. Salathiel Lovel< no role > Knt . Recordr . of London & St. Robt. Jeffrys< no role > Knt . two of
their Maties. Justices of the peace for the sd. city of London One John
< no role > was on the 21st. of Octr . last passed from the parish of St
Botolphs Bishopsgate London unto the parish of St. Andrews holborn

That yor. Petrs. humbly concieve they are able to
make out that the sd. John Howard< no role > was last legally setled in the sd
Pish of St. Botolphs Bpsgate

That yor. Petrs. humbly appeal to yor. Worsps
& Pray yor. worsps. Ordr. for the Churchwardens & Overseers of ye. poor of
the sd Pish of St. Botolphs Bpsgate to appear before
yor. Worsps. [..] some time his Qrter Sessions & there
cause why they should not receive & pvide for ye sd. John Howard< no role >

And yor. Petrs shall ever pray Etc

Warrt. not discharged
P Andr Holborne to

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