To the right Honoble. Sr. John Fleete< no role >
. Lord Major of the
Citty of London
And to the right Worll. their Maties. Justices of the
in the Generall Quarter Sessions assembled.
The humble Peticon & Appeale of the Churchwardens &
Overseers of the poore of the Parish of St. Jno. Baptist neer Dowgt.
That by virtue of a Warrant under the handes & Seales of twoe of their Maties
Justices of the Peace wth. in this Citty one
Elizabeth Day< no role >
was brought
by the Churchwardens of St. Gyles Cripplegt. London
to yor. Petrs. to be on
provided for upon the Oath of
Mary hurst< no role >
That the said
Elizabeth Day< no role >
had dwelt in a house knowne by the signe of the 3 Crownes
in yor. Petrs.
parish And further that shee had lately come into their Parish wth. out
giveing notice Where as in tenth the said Elizabeth went out of the said
House & parish of St. Jno. Baptist att Lady day 1680 long before any notice
was required to be given by any Lawe And hath never had any being
therein for these 13 yeares past And hath dwelt many yeares in the Parish
of St. Gyles Cripplegate
Yor. Petrs. humbly pray yor. Honors. & Worpps. &
will be pleased to heare them in the Prmisses.
To grash the order made by the JusticesAnd
And to send her to St. Giles Cripplegt
. from
Whence shee came To be there kept hill they
can free themselves of keeping her by one
conse of Lawe.
And They shall Pray Etc
St. John Baytilt< no role >
to kepe her untill They [..] discharged the [..]