6th Nov
The Informacon of
Stephen Davis< no role >
. to
Tom Reason< no role >
ye pish of St Bridget ats Bride
London Cordwin
Sworne & exaide
ye 6th Novembr 1693
touching ye Death of
Henry Hutton< no role >
Saith that this Infomt abt Twelve of ye Clarke on Saturday
night last past being in Masters Shop heard Sewall Persons Stevens
dance them they would bill ye next heare they mett making response
& I will & I Will & I Will And he Sayth that bee soone after
heard of ye decd. being [..] vom [..] ded And that Informt. Sayth that bee hath heard
that ye three psons room Hed upon Suspition for ye Master of ye
decd, were ye psons that surve to till ye next man they met
Jur Sex to die Novembr 1693
coram me
Jno. Brome< no role >
Stephen Davis< no role >