City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040172

Image 172 of 23224th November 1693

London ss

The Informacon of Daniell
< no role > of the Inner Temple
London Esqr taken upon Oath the
24th. day of November 1693

Who says, that as hee was goeing a long
Fleete streete about six or seaven of the
Clock this night Sewall Pson made a
Crow'd and Surrounded him one whereof in
called Richard Rudd< no role > als Gaunds< no role > Clapt his
hands round this Informt. shoulder and [..]
him whilst his pockett was pickt and
seaven shillings in money and his hatt
and Perringing taken away Whereupon
this Informt. layd held upon the said
Richard Rudd< no role > ats Gaunds and held him
untill other Company came into this
Informt. assistance and did apprehend

Jur Coram me
S Lovell Recordr

Dan Osborn< no role >

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