City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

8th December 1692 - 28th November 1693

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150040162

Image 162 of 23225th October 1693

Oct 25

The 25th. October 1693 between Ten and Eleven a Clock at
night, Being at the Miter Taverne, in the Stocks Market
In Compagnie of Mr. Derval, and of Mr Ravan George
< no role > Came into our Company desering us to let him
drinke With us, Which Conducted to believing was an
honest Man and one of us dranke to him, and gave him
a glas of Wine, Said, We most first drinke the King has
whereupon, I James Ricotier< no role > said to him with all my
heart, and taking an other Glas of Wine Island him let
us drinke our good King Williams health, and his happy
returne in health to his Kingdome, Whereupon the said
Thomson said, he would only drinke the health of the King
Without maining Which, Whereupon I bid him Explain
himself which he Refused, Whereupon I asked him
Whether it where the french King health, he answered it,
was the King of England health, and Would drinke it
and nor otherwise, Whereupon I told him he was an Ill
Man, and Jacobite and bid him begone out of our Company
Which he refused and made a great the Whereupon [..]
people of the Taverne came and Made him begone but
a like after he returned [..]
[..] Saying he would Never Drinke
the health was dranke to him, he was then put out againe
by the same Servants of the house, But a litle after he
returned with the master of the Taverne, and an other man
of her Acquaintance, the host willing to being him back
to his duty Came and Speake to me, and prayd me to
forget what was past, and forgive him, and drinke With him
I Answered the Master, I was free Do drinke, with him
upon Condition he Would drinke King Williams health
And that I would Pardon the Insult he had done us,
The host thanked me and told me it was reasonable, and
that he would Drinke the said health, and went and
fetched the said Thomson, and the other person with him

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