be Revoked Ordered also that the said Order of Vestry of
the 26th. of April 1764 be Revoked.
The rest of the Minutes taken at the last Vestry of the
23d. of April were Confirmed
Organ Tuner
Then the Vestry proceeded to the Choice of an Organ Tuner.
And Mr.
Geo: Griffin< no role >
, being in waiting was called in, and Mr.
John Byfield< no role >
's proposal being read to him, declared that he
had always done what was necessary to keep the Organ in good
Order and had put in new pipes where wanted, before he knew
of Mr. Byfield's Proposal, and that whatever Mr. Byfield had
proposed, he was also ready to perform on his part. Mr. Griffin
was then Ordered to withdraw.
Some of the Gentlemen desiring to know in what Condition
the Organ then was Mr. Green told them it was in fine Order.
Then Mr. Byfield and Mr. Griffin were severally put up
to be Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ for the year ensuing. And
Mr. Church Warden Hudson declared there was a great
Majority in favor of Mr. Griffin.
Ordered, that Mr. George Griffin< no role >
be Continued Tuner
and Cleaner of the Organ for the year ensuing.
Nl. Andrews< no role >
Vestry Cl.
Ascension Day
At a Meeting on Ascension day May. 28th. 1772.
Mr. Robert Boyd< no role >
Mr. Henry Rutt< no role >
}Church Wardens
Mr. Peter Pope< no role >
, Mr. James Hebert< no role >
, and others.
Warham and< no role >
Deane's Gifts
At this Meeting the following Charitable Legacies were
distributed, viz. Sir
Robert Clarkes< no role >
£2..- -
Mr. Warham's paid by the Carpenter's Company. ..10..-
Mrs. Deane's paid by the Ironmongers Company ..3..4
Poor on the Roll
Sarah Nason< no role >
Ann Roberts< no role >
Ann Watts< no role >
Dorothy Hornby< no role >
Mary Parnell< no role >
Grace Porter< no role >
Carrd. up. ..10..-
Poor on the Roll
Brot. up-10..-
Sarah Smith< no role >
Han: Oswin< no role >
Mary Walmsley< no role >
Ann Woolnough-1..6-
Jane Steuart< no role >
Wido. Elkes-1..-
Carrrd. up-17..-