Mr. Copper of Four Pounds P Ann. And the said John
Iselton was accordingly put up and chose Engineer and
of the Fire Engines for the Remainder of the Year.
John Iselton< no role >
was then called in, and Mr. Church
Warden Hudson gave him charge to take care of the
Engines, and exercise the said Office for the Remainder of
the year.
Organ Tuner< no role >
Mr. Church Warden Hudson further acquainted
the Gentlemen present that there also was a Vacancy
for the Office of Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ by the
death of Mr.
Thomas Griffin< no role >
, and That Mr.
George Griffin< no role >
the Nephew of the late Mr. Griffin, and Mr.
John Byfield< no role >
were Candidates for that Office.
A Letter from Mr. Byfield to Mr. Church Warden Hudson
was then produced and read.
And so much of the several Orders of Vestry of the 7th.
April 1768. when the late Mr. Griffin was elected into that
Office, and of the 23d. June, and 3d. July 1767 relative to
some Complaint that had been made of the Organ's not
being kept in June being read, the Gentlemen present took
it into Consideration, whether there was a necessity to have
a Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ by the year, or to have
the Organ tuned and cleaned when there should be
occasion; And after, some debate thereon, Mr. James Green< no role >
was desired to give his opinion to that matter, And he
thereupon acquainted the Vestry, that as the Organ had< no role >
a great Variety of Steps, there required such frequent
attendance to keep it in June, that he thought it better to
have a Tuner and Cleaner by the year as had been before
Then. Mr. Pope moved, that Mr. George Griffin< no role >
who had
had the Care of the Organ since his Uncles's death, be
continued Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ for the
Remainder of the year, And being seconded by Mr.
Maynard the Question was put and carried in the Affirm-
Ordered that Mr. George Griffin< no role >
be continued
Tuner and Cleaner of the Organ for the Remainder of
the Year.
Ordered also that the Church Warden for the
time being do keep the Key of the Organ in his