St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th May 1759 - 19th December 1800

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305020153

Image 153 of 45516th April 1772

Thursday 1772}

At a Meeting on Maunday Thursday April
16th. 1772 .


Mr. Thomas Hudson< no role >
Mr. Robt. Boyd< no role >

Mr. Richd. James. Mr. Peter Pope< no role > . Mr. James Hebert< no role > .

Harvey and< no role >
Tindall's Gifts

The following yearly Gifts were this day distributed
Lady Harvey< no role > 's paid out of the Lands at Ware. £6:- -

Mr. Roger Tindall< no role > 's paid by the Armourer's

To the Minister£1..10..-

To the Church
Wardens 5s. each}-..10..-

To the Clerk-..6:8
To the Sexton-..3..4

To Poor on the Roll vizt
Sarah Nason< no role > -..4..-
Ann Roberts< no role > .-..4..-
Ann Watts< no role > .-..5..-
Dorothy Hornby< no role > .-..5..-
Mary Parnell< no role > -..5..-
Grace Porter< no role > -..4..-
Rebecca Christy< no role > -..2:6
Sarah Smith< no role > -..3..-
Hannah Oswin< no role > -4..3-
Mary Walmsley< no role > -4..-
Ann Woolnough-4:-
Jane Steuart< no role > -3..-
Wido. Elkes-2..-

To Casual Poor
Mary May< no role > -3..6
Frances Smith< no role > -4..-
Carrd. up £5..7..-

Casual Poor
Brot. up£5..7..-
Margt. Cooke< no role > -3..-
Clement Lazell< no role > -2:6.
Mary Freeman< no role > -3..-
James Cutler< no role > -5..6.
Esther Moore< no role > -2..-
Sarah Holford< no role > -4..-
Mary Howdell< no role > -3..-
Jane Winoteley< no role > -2:6.
Sarah Cawdell< no role > -2..-
Ann Rowles< no role > -4..-
George Crowder< no role > -4..-
Ann Newman< no role > -2:6.
Hannah Johnson< no role > . 2:6
Christr. Ebrall< no role > -4:6
In Mr. Hudson's

At a Vestry held on Thursday April 23d. 1772.


Mr. Thomas Hudson< no role >
Mr. Robert Boyd< no role > }Church Wardens

Mr. George Maynard< no role > ,Mr. James Green< no role > ,Mr. Jas. Hebert< no role >
Mr. John Chauntrell< no role > ,Mr. Henry Rutt< no role > ,Mr. Richd. James,
Mr. William Lem< no role > ,Mr. Henry Gretton< no role > ,Mr. Peter Pope< no role > ,
Mr. John Theed< no role > Junr .Mr. Edwd. Tutet< no role > Mr. J. Winter Oswin< no role >

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