St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010057

Image 57 of 61719th December 1716

At a Vestry held the 19th: Decr: 1716


Mr: Tirrell
Mr. Walford} Ch:Wardens

Depty: HankeyMr. HallamMr. Crosland
Mr. DawsonMr. WilsonMr. Wilmore
Mr. LacozeMr. QuatermaineMr Ingram
Mr. HartleyMr. Mariner Mr. Payne
Mr. CottonMr. MauriceMr. Sheppherd< no role >
Mr. BarkerMr JohnsonMr. Shoeler
Mr. EllersMr JenkinsMr. Webster
Mr. Rusbatch
Mr. BranchMr. Pitway

Mr. Shoeler & Mr. Ellers fined
£12:10s: each for ward offices

This Vestry was Summoned at the request of Mr:
John Shoeler and Mr. David Ellers< no role > who were chosen at the
last Vestry to serve Constables Scavingers and Inquestmen
for the Yeare ensueing and now being desirous to Fyne for the
same whereupon they were severally put up to the Vote and
were admitted accordingly paying the usuall Sever all Fynes
of Twelve pounds and Ten shillings whereof twelve pounds
each as a Fyne For the said Offices and Ten shillings each as
Usuall for and towards the Charge of this Vestry

Then were Nominated in the Roome of Mr. John Shoeler
and Mr. David Ellers (who were now Admitted to Fyne) Mr. Jno.
Trowell Mr. Charles Brocklesby< no role > Mr. Tho: Hinxman< no role > This name instance is in set 1706. & Mr. Richd.
Shepperd and they being severally put to the Vote the Choice fell
on Mr. Richard Shepperd< no role >

Mr. Shiperd
Mr. Pitway} Const Sea & Inquestmen

Then were also Nominated for Ward Offices for the Yeare
ensueing Mr: John Thomas< no role > and Mr John Pitway whereupon
they were severally put to the Vote and Mr. Pitway was chosen

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