St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

24th April 1712 - 20th February 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBMV305010037

Image 37 of 6172nd October 1714

This Vestry was Summoned by Mr: William Holloway< no role >
Upper Church Warden for the Choice of Ward Officers Vizt: Scavingers
Constables [..] Inquestmen and Comon Councellmen
for the Year ensueing

Mr: Vandersthegen
fined £12

Then was Mr: Vandersthegen put for all Ward Officers and Chosen
but desired to Fyne paying the Usuall Fine of twelve pounds

Then was put up for all Ward Offices Mr: Trowell but he being at
Sea was Excused

Then Mr: Compere being next in Course was put up but desired to be
Excused for One Yeare which was granted accordingly

Scavingers Constables

Then was Mr: Spackman put up for all Ward Offices and
Chosen accordingly

[..] Mr:
Spackman & Mr:

Then was Mr: Fletcher put up for all Ward Offices and
Chosen accordingly

Mr: Hebert chose 2d:
years Inquestman

Then was Mr: Hebert and Mr: Ball put up for Inquestman
and the Choice fill on Mr: Hebert for Second yeares Inquestman

Comon Councellmen
Mr: Hankey Mr: Eames
Mr: Ingram & Mr: Holloway

Then were put up for Comon Councellmen the Psons foll
Vizt :Mr: Hankey Mr: Eames and Mr: Ingram< no role > but Mr
Holloway the present Church Warden was put up by the Vestry and
they being put to the Vote were Chosen accordingly


At a Vestry held the 16th. December 1714


Mr: Holloway
Mr:} Church Wardens

Mr: Hankey
Mr: Payne< no role >
Mr: Grant
Mr: Eames
Mr: Clifton< no role >
Mr. Peters
Mr. Dawson< no role >
Mr: Hobert

Mr. Barker
Mr. Rusbatch
Mr. Quatermaine
Mr. Jenkins
Mr. Pernell
Mr. Hayes
Mr: Webster< no role >
Mr: Morris

Mr. Roberts< no role >
Mr. Fletcher< no role >
Mr. Spackman
Mr. Cotton
Mr. Dodd< no role >
Mr. Branch
Mr. Ingram< no role >
Mr. White
Mr. Saunders

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