At a Meeting held on Ascencon day being 30th: May 1717
Mr: Walford
Mr: Browne} Ch: Wardens
Depty: Hankey
Mr. Ingram
Mr: Mariner
Mr: Tirrell
Mr. Barker
Mr: Payne
Mr: Webster
Sr. Robt. Clark< no role >
& Mr. Dean's
Guift Distributed
This Meeting was Sumoned by Mr. Fra: Walford Upper
Church Warden
for the Distribucon of the Charitable Gifte given by the
severall worthy and well disposed Persons following (That is to say)
by Sr:
Robert Clarke< no role >
the Sume of Forty Shillinge by Mr Wareham
Seven shill and Six pence by Mrs: Deane three shill and four pence
which said Sume amounte in the whole to Fifty shillinge and ten
pence and was distributed as followeth
To Brock£0:1s:6d Broughtover£1:8s:4d
To Coated£0:3s:0d To London£0:2s:6d
To Jackson£0:3s:6d To Stannard£0:5s:0d
To Whisken£0:5s:0d To Woolis£0:2s:6d
To Fox£0:5s:0d To Adams£0:2s:6d
To Salmon£0:5s:0d To Parr£0:2s:6d
To Tisdell£0:2s:6d To Brett£0:2s:6d
To Dawson£0:2s:10d To Howland£0:5s:0d
At a Vestry held July 24th: 1717
Mr. Walford< no role >
Mr. Browne} Ch: Wardens
Mr. ShepperdMr. Holloway Senr:
Mr. IngramMr. BranchMr Dodd
Mr. BarkerMr. SaundersMr. Pitway
Mr. BurtMr. TirrellMr. Barlow< no role >
Depty. HankeyMr. HickesMr. Hart
Mr QuatermaineMr. WilshireMr. White
8th: Qrs. Poore rate to be
made to defray
This Vestry was Summoned by Mr.
Francis Walford< no role >
Church warden to Accquaint them that he had Expended and disburst for the
[..] Parish Seventy pounds And that the last Poores rate of Six Quarter
was Defident to Defray the Charge of the Poore Thereupon he desired Yt: Ye Poores Rate
might be Settled as likewise to make Good the Deficiency's thereof And it being put to the
Vote whether the Poore rate for this Yeare shod. be made for Six Quarterd or Eight
& Division it was resolved that an Eighth Quarter rate shod. be made accordingly