part of the sd. Guift It was put to the vote and carried unanimously for
him and was then paid him And the sume of two pounds and ten shillings the
remainder was distributed as followeth.
To the Minister and Clarke
as P Will} £0-10s-0d
To Goody Grigman£0-8s-0d
To Goody Deeves£0-8s-0d
To Goody Bell by Mrs Fox£0-4s-0d
To Paris Daughter£0-5s-0d
To Goody Harris£0-7s-6d
To Goody Tisdell< no role >
Exd. £2:2s:6d Sacrmt: Money
At the Same Time was distributed £2:2s:6d Sacramt money as follows
To Grigman£0-7s-0d
To Deeves£0-3s-0d
To Pariss Daughter
To Harris£0-5s-0d
To Tisdell£0-2s-6d
To Fox£0-5s-0d
To Whiskin£0-5s-0d
To Coates£0-5s-6d
Thos Ch: Warden to dispose of.£0-4s-6d
At a Vestry held the 1st. Day of January 1704
Mr Tho: King< no role >
Mr Jno. Dawson< no role >
} Ch: Wardens
Mr Joseph Hayward< no role >
Mr John Barker< no role >
Mr Hanckey< no role >
Mr Ingram< no role >
Mr French
Mr Eames
Mr Webster< no role >
Mr Burt
Mr Pyper
Mr Pernell
Mr Harward
Mr Morris
Mr Acreman
Capt: Newnham excused by
the Ld. Mayor
This Vestry was sumond. by Mr
Thomas King< no role >
Upper Ch: Warden
for the Choice of a Constable Scavenger & Inquestman in the roome of
Capt. Newnam who was chosen at the last Vestry as also at the Wardmote
but upon Complaint made was discharged by the
Lord Mayor< no role >
Mr Barnett fined £10 for ward offices
First Mr Barnett being put to the vote was chosen in his roome who
desireing to fine for all
[..] Ward Offices was admitted paying the usuall
Fine of Ten pounds.
Mr Branch allowed
£5: reforme in all said office
Then Mr Branch was put up and chosen Scavenger Constable and
Inquestman But in regard of his Poverty desired to be allowed £5 as usuall