Mr Mitchell & Mr
Dawson putt up
Mr Mitchell chosen
Then Mr
Charles Mitchell< no role >
and Mr
John Dawson< no role >
severally putt to ye vote and ye Choice fell on Mr
Then were putt to ye vote ye persons following
to be auditors of ye account of Mr
Isaac Bennett< no role >
Churchwarden Vizt. Mr Phillipps Mr Pernell Mr
Glassbrooke Mr Ferris Mr Blackall Mr Thomas Mr
Shackle Mr Gibson Mr
John Hall< no role >
Mr Lee Mr Tewsely
Mr Holloway Mr
Ezekiell Hall< no role >
Mr Goodlad and Mr
Stanley and it was ordered that they or any five of
them should be sufficient to audite ye same account
and ye said audite to be made on theday
ofnext ensueing.
Att a Vestry held the 15th day of December 1702
Mr Richd: Bayley< no role >
Mr Charles Mitchell< no role >
} Ch: Wardens
Mr Ferris
Mr Goodlad
Mr Hancky
Mr Ingram< no role >
Mr Barker
Mr Lazingby
Mr Marriner
Mr Cowley
Mr Theed
Mr Cash
Mr Morris
Mr Tombes
Mr Cotton
Mr Sayer
Mr Fleming Mr Browne
Mr Hall
Mr Jno Akerman< no role >
Mr French
Mr Louch
Mr Jenkins< no role >
Mr Hallam
Mr Shackle
Mr Bristow
Mr Tewsley< no role >
Mr Powell
Mr Webster< no role >
Mr Branch
Mr Pernell
Mr Glassbrooke< no role >
Mr Dawson< no role >
Mr Eames
Mr Rawlinson< no role >