Att a Vestry held the 16th of July 1701
Mr Isaac Bennett< no role >
Mr Rich: Bayly< no role >
} Church Wardens
Mr Wm: Holloway< no role >
Mr Edward Gibson< no role >
Mr Tho: Bristor< no role >
Mr Rith: White< no role >
Mr Joseph Goldney< no role >
Mr. Robt: Glassbrooke< no role >
Mr Wm: Luzinby< no role >
Mr Phillipps
Mr James Webster< no role >
Mr Wm: Holloway< no role >
Mr Tho: Powell< no role >
Mr John Winstanley< no role >
Mr Anth: Ferris< no role >
Mr John Blackhall< no role >
Mr John Dawson< no role >
Mr Gatford who lately
returned from Hamborough
[..] pired his house to be
£2: 10s: to be allowed
[..] wards repaires
This Vestry was sumoned by Mr Bennett upper Church:
Warden concerning ye. repaireing of Mr Gatford house
who was lately returned from Hambrough it was put to ye
vote whether any thing should be allowed towards repaires &
it was agreed unto, then a debate across what sume should be
allowed, & there was three sume proposed Vizt. £10;£12,10s,£15
which being severally put to ye vote £12, 10s. was agreed upon
to be allowed towards Wainscotting his purchase & other
Church Warden to allow
[..] for Mr. Levingstone
[..] his discretion [..] : to
[..] her
Mr Levistone being incapable of helping herself Mr Bennett
desired an allowance for a near for her it was putt to it vote &
left to discretion of ye Church Warden to allow what he thinks
Mr Hammond Left to
[..] discretion of the
Church Warden
Then Mr Bennett acquainted ye Vestry Concerning
Mr Hammond< no role >
who is very weak & it was also left to ye distrection of ye Church:
Mrs Woods desired
Mr Woods Monumt: to be
Then Mr Bennett also acquainted ye Vestry yt Mr Woods
desired Mr Woods Monument might be finished it was agreed
yt Mr Bennett should acquaint her of what was customary
and yt there were prsidents of £10 or £12 to the same Effect.