Att a Vestry holden on Maunday
Thursday being the 28th. day of March 1700
Mr. Thomas Cooke< no role >
Mr. Thomas Tewseley< no role >
Mr William Holloway< no role >
} Church Wardens
Mr. Robt. Parnell< no role >
Mr. William Phillips< no role >
Mr George Stannard< no role >
Mr. Edward Gibson< no role >
Mr. Anthony Ferris< no role >
Lady Harveys Gift
Att this meeting was distributed after Prayers &
Sermon the Yearely Guift of the Lady Harvey being Six
Pounds whereof the Sume of £2: 10s: 0d was distributed
according to Will as followeth, Vizt. To the Parson for
reading Divine Service
& Preaching this day £1: 10s:
To the Church: wardens £5: a peece. To the Clarke
6s: 8d. and to ye Sexton 3s: 4d. And the sume of Three
Pounds Ten Shillings Remainder of the £6 was distributed
as followeth Vizt.
To Goody Grigman£0-5s-0d
Goody Martin< no role >
Goody Wagstaffe< no role >
Goody Bell< no role >
Goody Court£0-3s-0d
Goody Harris< no role >
Goody Parr£0-14s-0d
Goody Deaves< no role >
Goody Levingstone< no role >
Goody Gold£0-3s-0d
Goody Slaughter< no role >