who were chosen Scavengers Constables and Inquestmen for
the Yeare ensueing at a Vestry held the 13th. Instant, but
made severall objections thereinto
Mr Hancock altho
taken another house he
was either to hold or fine
If he Continue in his house
till after Lady day
Mr. Hancock alleadging he hath taken another house, and
is about to remove out of the parish, desired not to pay
any Fine, and it being putt to the Vote, whether he should
pay any Fine or not, it past in the Negative provided he
leave the Parish at or before Lady day next
Mr Buck fined of £10.
Then Mr. Buck submitted to pay a Fine and desired he
might be excused from serveing and was accordingly excus'd
he paying £10. as a Fyne for all Offices.
Mr Hickman chose Scavinger
& Inquestmen
Then Mr.
Benjamin Hickman< no role >
was put in nomination for
and Inquestmen and being put to ye.
Vote was chosen in all Offices.
Mr Child Excused
Inquestman Paying 2.
Mr. Child being chosen last Vestry for Inquestman desired
to be excused on payment of a fine, wch. being put to ye. vote it
was agreed he should be excused paying forty Shillings fine.
Mr Gibbs chose Scavinger
& Inquestman
Then Mr.
Joseph Gibbs< no role >
and Mr. Cash were put up for Scavenger
Constable and Inquestmen, & being severally putt to ye. Vote
Mr. Gibbs was chosen
Mr Cowley chose
Inquestman instead of Mr
Then Mr. Cowley was put up for Inquestman in stead of Mr.
Child, and being put to ye. vote was chosen, he haveing served the
last yeare.
Mr Hall putt up for
Comon Councillmen with
the next & to be prsented
the Wardmote
Then Mr. Hall was put up for Common Councill man, and it
being put to ye. Vote whether he should be presented to ye. Ward
mote with Mr. Blackall, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Rawlinson Mr. Gibson
& Mr Lee who were chosen to presented last Vestry, it past in
the affirmative
An Account in
Writeing of all that
have not served Ward
nor Pish offices with the
time of their coming into
sd. Pish
Then it was ordered that an Account in Writing
of all that have not served Ward & Parish Offices
be drawne out with the time of their respective
coming into the Parish to the end that the said
Officers may if the Vestry think fitt be Chosen according
to their Seniority and priority of Living in the Parish
& this to be observed in all vestrys for the future
in Order for Chooseing such Officers to prevent
Irregularitys in such Choices. And like wise an Account
of all such as have served one yeare Inquestman.
These Lists to be brought in by the Clarke of the
Parish and Clarke of the Vestry.
Exr: P Whinyard