St Dionis Backchurch Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1689 - 1720

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLDBAC300000358

Image 358 of 577 1695

£ s d
Reced of Mr Walding feild a Fine for parish Offices12 00 00
Reced of Mr. John Hall< no role > for Fines of Collector. & Siderman03 00 00
Reced of Mr. Guy Churchwarden of St Mary Woolnoth Six yeares Guift of Sr John Percivall< no role >
Sixteene pence P Amnd due Lady day last Eight Shillings allowed Expences to the
Clarke. 6d
00 07 06
Reced of Mrs Wotton Twenty Six Shillings and Eight pence allowed five Shillings Taxes
the Guift of the Lady of burne due Lady day last} 01 01 08
Reced of the Collectors. aforemenconed13 08 06
Tot552 14 04

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