£ s d
[..] 21st Pd to Jackson one Weeke00 03 00
Pd to Hammond Ditto00 07 00
Pd Alderm Abdyes Guift as P Vestry Booke07 10 00
Pd Mr Tindalls Guift as Ditto02 12 00
Pd Sarah Jpsley for one Child due this Christmas01 10 04
Pd to Joane Marshall< no role >
Ditto01 10 04
Pd Nurse Naisbie< no role >
for Coppin ditto01 17 06
Pd for two prayers for the Queene00 01 00
Pd Mr Whinyard two Quarters due at Christ mas02 07 06
Pd to Anne Harriss< no role >
her Person & Rent to Christmas01 03 00
28 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson ditto00 03 00
Pd Wagstaffe one Quarters Person due at Christmas last02 12 00
Pd to Nurse Beard five Children due Christmas last09 01 06
Pd to Nurse Fairecloth Eight Children due Ditto14 13 06
[..] 2d. Pd to Hammond one Weeke00 07 00
Pd to Jackson ditto00 03 00
4 Pd to Whiskin his bill due Ditto02 10 00
Pd. Courtes a [..] quarters pencon due Christmas last01 06 00
Pd Mrs. Jacksons rent due Christmas last00 10 00
5 Pd into the Chamber as Collected for the out Parishes12 04 06
Pd to an Order for altring the Prayers00 01 00
10 Pd to Hammond one Weeke00 07 00
Pd to Mrs Martin her bill due Christmas03 04 00
Pd to Mrs Martin Senr. her [..] Pencon due Christmas01 12 06
Pd Jackson one Weeke00 03 00
17 Pd for Secrett Service01 00 00
18 Pd Mr Jackson one Weeke00 03 00
Pd Hammond00 07 00
[..] 3 Pd to Woollen breife to Stephen Slade< no role >
00 11 00
Pd Church hill Breife00 15 06
[..] 4 Pd Hammond one Weeke00 07 00
Pd to Jackson ditto00 03 00
[..] Pd for two Sumons to Doctors. Comons00 02 00
[..] 1st Pd Mr Jackson00 03 00
Pd Hammond00 07 00
Pd New Prsent Mts00 05 00
Pd Mr Cooke for murning for Pulpett and Desk03 00 00