£ s d
9 do To a poor woman bigg with Child 3s:6d to Willm Covett< no role >
2s:6d- 06 -
March 7 To Mr Cook 5s Mr Whiskin 2s Mrs Fox 1s Gatsfords Unckle 1s- 09 -
do To Mr Pentons friend 6s:4d poor Women 1s:6d- 07 00
28 do To Mr Cook 3s Mr Whiskin 1s Fox 6d a poor Clergyman 2s- 06 06
April 4th To Mr. Cook 20s Whiskin 2s:6d Fox 1s:6d 2 poor Clergyman 4s:6d01 08 00
do To Mr Gatsfords Unckle
2s: Mary Nation 1s: 3 poor Women 2s- 05 -
7 do To Mrs Waggstaffs son 5s. to a Poor man in prison 3s- 08 -
11 do To Mr Cook 5s to Whiskin 1s to Mrs Fox 6d a poor woman 6d- 07 -
12 do. To Peter Fox< no role >
2s:6d to a poor woman with a sore legg 5s to Others 20s: pd- 09 10
18 11 01
An Accompt of Moneys paid
by John Hall< no role >
for Accompt of the parish of St.
Dionis Backchurch
£ s d
May 21 paid for White Rodds- 07 06
do. paid Mrs Ingram for points01 07 -
June 30 paid Mary Faire cloath for 1 quarters board of 5 parish Child
to Midsomer as P Bill}09 06 08
July 7 paid for the Convex lights to Lady day00 12 -
paid Thomas Hinchman< no role >
as P Bills00 07 06
spent in our Journey to Hat feild & back05 05 -
paid the Riggers upon thanks giveing day2 10 -
[..] 3 Spent in Our Journey to Rumford02 - -
July paid Mr Edward Gibson< no role >
what due to him for Ballance85 03 10
[..] 30 do paid Daniel Ower< no role >
for the bookes for Births & Burialls01 05 -
do paid for 2 Sacks of Coles for Mrs Parr- 03 06
do paid Mr Kempton for a Warrant to make a Poor's rate- 06 -
do paid at Dottord Commons for mine & partners Oather- 18 06
do paid for the briefe of the Fire at Wapping- 01 -
do paid the Chamber lain of London wt Collected for sd Fire03 - -
[..] gt 27 paid John Harwood< no role >
for Bell ropes01 10 -
31 do paid for 2 forms of prayer for the Fire of London- 01 -
[..] 1st paid John Beard< no role >
for board of 4 parish Children from Lady day to
Midsomer and of 3 parish Children from Midsomer to Michmas
as P Bills}10 13 02
5 do paid Daniell Duke for Quitt rent to Michmas00 03 08
8 do paid for a prayer for the Kings Majesty00 01 -
11 do paid for Ringing the Bells- 10 -
21 do paid Mr Patrick Oliphant< no role >
for mending Mr Cooks House01 04 -
[..] vr 5 paid for Ringing the Bells the day and the day before01 - -
10 do paid Patrick Oliphant< no role >
for a parish marke of Lead sett on Mr
Everys house in Rood Lane}- 02 06
16 do paid for 2 Summons to Bow Church
- 02 -
17 do paid for Ringing the Bells- 05 -
126 05 10