1692 The Acct of Mr. Anthony Reynolds< no role >
Accompt. Church Warden
of St. Dyonis
Back Church London For & concerning the Receipts & paymts by reason of the [..]
Office, by the sd. Anthony Reynolds< no role >
from the Street of Easter 1692 being the time he
was Choosen thereunto untill the Feast of Easter 1693 in the Fourth yeare of
the Raigne of our Soveraigne Lord & Lady King William & Queene Mary Over England< no role >
April 12th. Reced Acct of Mr. Wm. Harris Breife00 17 10½
March ye 25th. Reced P a Colleccon att the Church Doore of the Armor. Company01-04 00
June ye 12th Reced Acct. of a Breife for the Redempron of Captives of Alger Etc21-19 00
July ye 8 No: 9Reced of
Miles Whiskin< no role >
in full for Burialls as P Bill03-17.04
ditto 8Reced of the Carpenters Company P00.07. 00
ditto 2Reced by Money last Psuant to an order of Vestry the 15th. June as P Vestry Booke50 00 00
ditto 9 Reced Mr of
Mr. Medcalfe< no role >
for last years poores Rate00 13-00
22Reced of Mr. Lamb for his Owne poores Rate 26s. for i years for Mr. Bridges ½ 13, odd
Money in his hands 6s.3d. P the hands of Miles Whiskin Qu all
02 05 03
Agt. 8Reced of the Pewterers Company att the Church Doore 17s. 2d Distributed to ye Clerke
Martin & Penti: & other poore ye same Day ye whole prsents of Mr. Cooke & Mr Danl. Rawkinson< no role >
Sept. ye 3d.Reced of Mr. Tho: Shakle< no role >
& Mr. Gowell Collects. for ye poore & the hands of Miles Whiskin< no role >
40 00 00
ye. 13th.Reced halfe a Years Rent of Jacob Parker< no role >
due the 25th of March04 00 00
Oct: 9th.Reced Collectr. on a South Hamt. Breife att the Church Doore00.18.06
ye. 10th.Reced. of Sr. Robt Jeffreys< no role >
for half a Yeares Rent due ye 29th. Sept. Last Taxes &
Arreares £3.11s & money £14.3s. in all £18} 14 03.00
ye. 14Reced of Mr. Tho: Staffe< no role >
& Mr. Powell Collects for ye poore & ye hands of Miles Whiskin< no role >
14 00 00
Ditto: Drein. Reced of Miles Whiskin< no role >
in full for 6 Buriall as P Bill04 04 00
Novem ye 13Reced P a Collection att the Church doore on Acct. of Woodrington Breife01-06 00
Decem: 16Reced Mr John Hall< no role >
a Fine for Scravenger Constable & Inquestaman10 00 00
16Reced of Mr. Ezl Hall for Ditto10 00 00
16Reced of Mr John Goodlad< no role >
for Ditto10 00 00
16 Reced of Mr. Lawrence Cole< no role >
for Ditto10 00 00
16 Reced of Mr. Francis Terance for Ditto10 00 00
16Reced of Mr. Francis Terance for Ditto10 00 00
16 Reced of Mr. Richard Hallam< no role >
for Inquestman & Constable08 00 00
16Reced of Mr. Bennett for Inquestman02 00 00
19 Reced of Mr. John Barker< no role >
for Constable Scravenger & Inquestman10 00 00
31Reced of Mr. Benjamin Patman< no role >
for 1 yeares Rent due att Michaelmas Last06.00 00
Jan 12Reced of Mr Lawrence Smith< no role >
his Fathers Legacye to 5 pooreChildrenHouse keepers 20s. each 05.00 00
ye .14Reced of Widdow Wilford for 1 years Rent due att Michaellmas Last10 00 00
Reced of Mr. Shall & Mr. Powell Collects for ye poore & ye hands of Miles Whiskin< no role >
44 00 00
Momd.Reced a Warrant for My Lord< no role >
Major & Sr. Robt Jeffreys< no role >
for maintenance of Mrs Lane a Fishmongers
Febb: 3.Reced of Mr. Annes for a Fine of Scavenger & Constable08.00 00
ye.7Reced of Jacob Parker< no role >
halfe yeare Rent due att Michaellmas Last04 00 00
ye 8Reced of George Palmer< no role >
ye Gift of the Widdow Deane00 03.04
9Reced for Dame
Eliz: Tulbe being Buried in Linnen02 10 00
9Reced of Mr. Whiskin for 9 Burialls05 11-00
19Reced att ye Church Doore & for a Breife for a Fire att Tunbridge
00 11 0 [..]
March ye 19Reced att the Church Doore for a Breife for a Fire att Bracon00.14 00
27Reced of Maddam Letten< no role >
the Gift of Sr. Robert Clarke< no role >
02 00 00
31Reced of Mr. Denham a yeares Rent due 25th. March Last £5. allowed for Taxes & Militia 22s 03-18 00
Aprill ye 6Reced of the Collts. of ye poores Rate P ye hands of Miles Whiskin< no role >
10Reced of Sr. Robt Jeffrey ½ yeares Rent due ye 25th. March last month £14:2s allowed for Taxes & Trophies £3. 18s14-02 00
13Reced of Mrs. Batters by for Charges att Doctors Comons00 06.06
13Reced ye Gift of My Lady Osborne 26s.8d allowed for Taxes 5s01.01.00
26Reced of Ye. Collectors of ye Scavengers01.00 00
May 3Reced of ye Armorers Company 21s.6d. gave Away att ye Doore 5s00.16.00
May 16Recd of Mr. Tho: Shalles Mr. Powell Collts. for ye poore05.01.00
[..] Reced of M [..] Whiskin for is Burialls in full07 10 00