Apr 9 To Mr. Cooke 10s. Whiskin 3s. to Mr Penton 5s. Martin 2s. Mr Gatfords Bucle
2s.6d to
a poore Ministers Son 1s. to other poore people in the Church 3s} £01 06s 06d
To a poore Woman
Catharine Franklyn< no role >
00 01 00
To a poore Man who had 6 Small Children00 02 06
15 To Mr Cooke 5s. Whiskin 2s. Martin 1s. Chance poore 10d.00 08 10
To a poore Widdow Woman lately came out of Prison 10s00 10 00
To two poore people who by reason of their age are past their labor & in
great want
00 10 00
To four Savall poore people 2s00 02 00
To Same Comber who was travelling to Yarmouth with three Children & my
Ld. Mayor & ass}00 02 00
To Mr. Batters by 1s00 01 00
May 6 To Mr Mead 1s. Whiskin 2s.6d. Martin 1s.6d two poore Men 1s Mr
bucle 1s00 07 00
To Mr Cooke for the use of the poore 1s.8s01 08 00
To Mr. Shackle for ye use of the poore £1.8s01 08 00
To My selfe for ye use of ye poore 1 8 7d01 08 07
In all 27 09 1¾