£ s d
20 Pd Hammond a Weeks00 07 00
Spent at Sewall meetings about Parish business Mrs Cooke Mr Gibson & Sewall other Prsent00 18 06
Pd Mr Rewpton for the poores Cooke00 06 00
Pd for getting a poore body from the Parish sent with a Pass from Waterhappll00 04 00
Pd Mrs Jackson a Weeke00 03 00
Spent goeing to Hatfeild02 10 00
Pd Horse hyre01 04 00
Pd Mr Whinyard Clerke of Vestue as P Receipt02 11 06
Pd Mr Ingram for Paints as P Receipt01 07 00
27 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson ditto00 03 00
August 3d. Pd. Hamond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Ditto to Jackson00 03 00
Pd. for himen for Mary Dennys when apprenticed00 10 00
10 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson Ditto00 03 00
Pd for putting Mary Dennis< no role >
as P Receipt & Bond05 00 00
Spent at Same time00 01 00
17 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson ditto00 03 00
24 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd. Jackson ditto00 03 00
31 Pd. Hammond< no role >
a Weeke00 07 00
Septembr 1st To Jackson a Weeke00 03 00
Pd. at Bethlehem
for one Quarter Keeping Mrs Lane due Midsomer last03 05 00
Pd more for hose & Shoes00 04 00
for a Bible for Mary Dennis< no role >
00 02 06
7 Pd Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Jackson ditto00 03 00
11 Gave a Woman at Sr Robert Jeffryes< no role >
6s and his Man Six pence00 01 00
14 Pd to Mrs Hammond00 07 00
Pd to Jackson ditto00 03 00
17 Pd to Pass a Woman threw ye parish00 00 08
21 Pd Hamond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd to Jackson Ditto00 03 00
28 Pd to Hammond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd to Jackson ditto00 03 00
[..] br 1st. Pd to Mrs Beard for Keeping five Children due Mahaelmas07 12 04
Pd to [..] Secret Service01 00 00
Pd to Mrs Martin quarteridge Etc as P Receipt05 03 04
Pd to Mrs Naisbie for one Quarters Keeping Coppin due Michaelmas last01 17 06
Pd to Mrs Martin her Quarters pemon due Michaelmas last01 12 06
Pd to Mr Court Twenty Six Shillings Mr Wagstaffe Fifty two Shillings Widdow Harris Twenty two Shillings 05 01 00
Pd Hamond a Weeke00 07 00
Pd Nurse Jpsley for three Children as P Receipt01 15 00
Pd Nurse Marshall one Child ditto01 10 04
6 Pd Jackson a Weeke00 03 00