Continued 26th. October 1792
"authority of a Licence duly obtained for that purpose from the Commissioners for
"managing the duties on stamped Vellum Parchment and Paper for the time being in the
"manner in and by the statute made and passed in the 22nd. year of the Reign of his present
"Majesty intituled (An Act for Licensing Lottery Office Keepers and regulating the sale of
"Lottery Tickets) is directed contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and
"provided and whereof he is convicted which said Robert Oldman< no role >
you the said Porter
"are hereby required to receive and him in your custody safely keep until the next.
"General Quarter Session of the Peace to be holden at the Guildhall
in and for the said
"City to be forthwith dealt with according to law and for your so doing this shall be
"to you and each of you a sufficient Warrant Given under my Hand and Seal this
"24th. day of October 1792. J. Hopkins Mayor [..] .
Committee approved of
the proceedings of Sub-Comee.
in putting the Prisoner
to Labour.This Committee are of
opinion the Sub-Committee in ordering the said Robert Oldman< no role >
to the usual employment
of the House have done their duty.