At a Special Prison Committee 26th. October 1792
Robert Hunter< no role >
John Read< no role >
.Mr. Deputy LeekeyRichard Shawe< no role > This name instance is in set 2972.
Thomas Nixon< no role >
.Edward Bigg< no role >
.Granville Sharp< no role > This name instance is in set 2432.
Committee Summd. by
Order of Presidt.This Committee being summoned by Order of the President in consequence of the following Notes from the
Right Honorable The Lord Mayor addressed to the Porter of Bridewell
Oldman. Robert< no role >
Letters & Summons from
the Lord Mayor respectg.
his being put to labour.Robert Oldman< no role >
committed to your custody is to be treated with indulgence
and not put to hard labor
25th. October 1792.J. Hopkins Mayor
Mr. Holt
I insist upon it that you submit to my directions at your peril
J. Hopkins Mayor
Mansion House 25th. October 1792.
Mr. Holt
to Wit
You are hereby summoned personally to appear before me or some
other of his Majesty's Justices of the peace for the said City and
Liberties thereof at the Lord Mayor's Justice Room at the Mansion House
on sight hereof to shew cause why you refuse to obey my orders
respecting the commitment of Robert Oldman and herein fail not as you
will answer the contempt Given under my Hand this 26th day of Octr. 1792
J. Hopkins Mayor [..]
Copy of Warrt. of
Commitment.It appeared to this Committee that the above notes and summons were sent by the
Lord Mayor to the Porter in consequence of his obeying the directions of the Prison
Sub-Committee in putting to hard labor the said Robert Oldman< no role >
committed under the
"following Warrant "London to wit To Thomas Parrott< no role >
a Constable
of the City of London
"and to all Constables and others his Majesty's Officers of the peace for the said City
"whom it may concern and to the Porter of Bridewell Hospital
These are in his Majesty's
"name to command you and every of you the said Constables forthwith safely to convey
"and deliver into the custody of the said Porter the Body of Robert Oldman< no role >
he being
"charged before me one of his Majesty's Justices of the peace in and for the said
"City by the Oaths of Thomas Wood< no role >
and Richard Hatton< no role >
with being a Rogue and
"Vagabond for that he the said Robert Oldman< no role >
on the 23rd. day of October in the year
"of our Lord 1792 in the parish of Allhallows
Lombard Street
in the Ward of Langborn
"in the said City did publickly keep a certain Office for dealing in Tickets and Shares
"of Tickets in a Lottery then established by a British Act of Parliament without the