At a Meeting of the Guardians of the Parish
Infant Poor held at the Workhouse
on Wednesday
the 6th. day of September 1786
Mr. John Chamberlain< no role >
Mr. Robert Young< no role >
} Churchwardens
John Watts< no role >
Edward Gibbs< no role >
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
Reported that Elizabeth.
Marchant< no role >
, Sarah and Elizabeth Hawkins< no role >
Eleanor Cliffen< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of last Meeting
still remain in the Workhouse
Also that Jacob
Pool aged two years two months and Sixteen days
and Elizabeth Pool< no role >
Eleven Months and four
days were admitted into the Workhouse
the 29th day of
August last
And all the said Children being brought before the
Guardians and found to in good Health
Ordered that the said Elizabeth Marchant, Eleanor
Cliffen and Elizabeth Pool be contiued in the
at the particular request of their respective
Mothers untill the next Meeting
Ordered likewise that the said Sarah and Elizabeth
Hawkins do for the present Also remain in the
Workhouse the Officers of the Parish of St. Leonard
Shoreditch to which Parish said Hawkins belong
having offered to take them away from this Parish
Ordered likewise that the said Jacob Poole< no role >
sent forthwith to Nurse Varwell's at Barking side
Charles Lane< no role >
one of the Poor Children having some
time since died at Nurse Varwells - the Guardians
lately visited all the rest of the Children at