Nurse in the Country, and found them in good
health & properly taken care of - Ordered therefore
that they be continued with the several Nurses with
whom they now are
At a Meeting of the Guardian of
the Parish Infant Poor at the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 18th. day of October
Present Mr John Chamberlain< no role >
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
Reported that Eliza [..]
Marchant< no role >
Eleanor Cliffen< no role >
& Elizabeth Pool< no role >
remain in the Workhouse
as also do Sarah and
Elizabeth Hawkins< no role >
, they not having been yet
removed to Shoreditch
Also that James Mr Intire Lloyd aged 5 M [..]
was admitted a second time into the Workhouse
on the 7th. day of September last and was [..]
to Nurse Varwell's at Barking Side on the 25 [..]
day of Said September by Order of Mr. Churchw [..]
Chamberlain which the Guardians approved of
Ordered that the said Elizabeth Marchant be
discharged with her Mother from the Workhouse
that Eleanor Cliffin and Elizabeth Pool at the
earnest request of their respective Mothers be continued
in the House until further Orders
And that said Sarah & Elizabeth Hawkins do remain
likewise in the House until removed from thence by the [..]
Parish Officers of Shoreditch.