was born a Bastard in the Workhouse
on the Eighth day of
April last and that James Mc Intire Lloyd< no role >
was also bou [..]
Bastard in the Workhouse
on the Twenty Second of said April [..]
Ordered that they be discharged with their Mothers from the
At a Meeting of the Guardians of the Pas [..]
Infant Poor held at the Workhouse
on Wednesday
the 19th. day of July 1786
Mr. William Baker< no role >
Mr. John Chamberlain< no role >
} Churchwarden
Mr. Edward Gibbs< no role >
Mr. William Coles< no role >
Ordered that Sarah and Elizabeth Hawkins< no role >
at the [..]
Earnest request of their Mother be continued with her in [..]
the Workhouse
The Master reported that Mary Ann Dugard< no role >
& James
Mc Intire Lloyd< no role >
have been taken out of the Workhouse
by [..]
their MothersHe also Reported that Mary Trou [..]
a Bastard aged about three Weekes was admitted into the [..]
on the 26th. day of May and died therein on the B [..]
of June lastAlso that Elizabeth Marchant was [..]
born in the Workhouse
on the 17th. day of June last - Also
that Charles Lane< no role >
was born a Bastard in the Workhouse
on [..]
Twentieth day of said SomeOrdered that said Elizabeth
Marchant< no role >
and Charles Lane according to the request of the [..]
Mothers be continued with them in the Workhouse
for the
present And that Eleanor Clifton< no role >
a Bastard born [..]
the Lying In Hospital in Tottenham Court
Read [..]
the Eighth day of March last and removed further with [..]
Katherine Patterson< no role >
whose Settlement is in
this Parish do also according to her Mothers request
be continued with her for the present in the Workhouse