At a Meeting of the Guardians of the
Parish Ten Children held as the Workhouse
on Wednesday the 31st. day December 1788
Mr. Benjamin Curtis< no role >
Upper Churchwardens
John Watts< no role >
William Coles< no role >
William Baker< no role >
The Master of the Workhouse
reported that
Louisa Owen< no role >
William Harrel< no role >
. James Garrard< no role >
and Sarah Simpson< no role >
mentioned in the Minutes of
the last Meeting to remain in the Workhouse
with their Parents at their particular Request
still continue there
Also that Elizabeth Perry Newton< no role >
a Bastard
mentioned also in said Minutes to have been born
in the Workhouse
on the 17th. November died in
the House the 28th. Instant
Also that William Green< no role >
a he was admitted
into the Workhouse
on the 19th. November last
aged Six Years and eleven Months and died
there the 20th. said November
On Account the Seventy of the Weather
the Guardians ordered that the said Louisa Owen
William Harrel James Garrard and Sarah
Simpson who were all produced before there
and appeared to being and Health continue
in the Workhouse
till the next Meeting