Wednesday 11th. Febry 1735
several parts of the said Estate had been sold and all partys were Ordered
to join in the Conveyance thereofAnd that accordingly the following
Conveyances had been prepared and executed by all the partys except the Governors
of Bridewell Hospital Vizt. Indres of Lease and Release dated 14th. & 15th. days of
August 1728 made between Mary Hardwick< no role >
an Infant
, Agnes Leigh< no role >
, Thomas
Hardwick< no role >
, Anne Hardwick< no role >
, Benjamin Green< no role >
, Henry Davies< no role >
, Henry Gibbs< no role >
The Master Wardens Etca. of the Mistery of Drapers. The Governors of Bridewell
and Martha Davies< no role >
of the first part George Morley< no role >
, William
Norcliffe< no role >
, Anne Smith< no role >
, Thomas Milner< no role >
and Anne< no role >
his wife
of the second
part and Francis Sheldon< no role >
, James Barnes< no role >
and William Wragg< no role >
and Mary< no role >
of the third partAnd also other Indres of Lease and Release dated
17th & 18th. days of December 1729 and made between the same partyes of the first &
second parts and Thomas Ward< no role >
of the third partThe said several Indres
of Lease and Release Were signed by the President Treasurer and other
Governors in order to be sealed for the Governors of Bridewell Hospital.
Cass< no role >
Johnthe Comee
to inquire into ye Legacy left by
him to Bethlem}
Mr. Deputy Brewis acquainted this Court that Sr.
John Cass< no role >
by his will dated the 5th. of July 1718 bequeathed to the Governors of the Hospital
of Bethlem for the use and benefit of the said Hospital £200. and appointed
Elizabeth Cass< no role >
his Wife
sole Executrix
thereof during her life who by
reason of diverse Suits and disputes about the said Will and a former Will of
the said Sr.
John Cass< no role >
had not paid the said Legacyand that the said
Elizabeth Cass< no role >
is since dead
having made her Will and thereof appointed
the said Mr. Deputy Brewis and two others her Exors who are ready to pay the
said £200. but hoped the Governors would not Insist upon Interest for the same
Whereupon it is Ordered that it be referred to the Committee of
this Hospital to examine into the said matter & report their Opinion therein to
this Court.
CoulsonMrThe Cl to get
a Copy of ye Clause of his will}
Ordered that the Clerk do procure a Copy of the Clause of Mr. Coulsons Will
whereby he in the year 1722 gave to Bethlem Hospital £500 and to lay the same
before the Committee of this House who are desired to examine into the same and to
conferr with Mr. Coulson's Executor in what manner such Legacy may be received.
Cooper-Mrreced ye thanks
of ye Court for his assistance in
ye Building at ye West End of Bethlem}
Upon a Motion made Mr. President was desired to return the thanks to
Mr. Cooper one of the Governors of these Hospitals for the great care and pains
he hath taken in directing and supervising the Workmen and Works of the New
Building for Incurable Women at the West end of Bethlem Hospitaland Mr.
Cooper being present Mr. President returned him the thanks of the Court accordingly
Incurables-The Comee to view
ye New Building for them at the
West end of Bethlem}
The Grand Committee of Bethlem Hospital are desired by this Court to view
the New building for Incurable Women at the West end of Bethlem Hospital and if the
same be finished by Mr. Edmonds the Builder according to his Agreement then they
are desired to direct the payment of what money remains due to him thereon
and they are also desired to receive proposals and to agree for Removing the
Rubbish there.
Advertisemt for letting old Building
in Bridewell referr'd to Comee}
Ordered that it be referred to the Committee to publish an Advertisement for
letting the Old Buildings in Bridewell precinct.
Benefactions-To be entred in a
Rock within 4 days after reced}
Ordered that a Book be kept in the Office Wherein the several Officers of both Hospitals
shall (within four days after he or they shall receive the same) enter in Writing with
their own hands every Sum and Sums of money by them severally received, as the
Gift, Bequest or other Charitable Contribution of well disposed persons with the times
when and the names of the persons from whom, the same is so received; And that all
Legacys and other Charityes bequeathed and given to either Hospital, tho' not actually paid
be enter'd in the said Book as due, so soon as Intelligence thereof shall be obtained.