Friday 4th. Augt. 1732
Cout to Labor
CookJohn< no role >
P Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
being chargd by
Phillip Price< no role >
Mary Gunn< no role >
for that he is a loose idle & disorderly Pson & for being taken up late
in the night in Company with several notorious & old offenders & likewise for assaulting
and ill using the said
Mary Gunn< no role >
SimpsonJohn< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath of
John Trotter< no role >
for insulting and abuseing him in a gross manner and being a loose
impudent and disorderly Pson.
Cout to Labor
SamuelDavid< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the Oath
Atkins Moore< no role >
for pilfering from of the Keys
some Sugar of
small value the property of persons unknown and being a loose idle and a
disorderly Pson.
ThongerAnn< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
old Prisoner
CookEliza< no role >
. P
Francis Child< no role >
. Ld. Mayor
old Prisoner
CoazensEliza< no role >
. P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
. Old Prisoner
Pun & dd
WisdomAnn< no role >
P Courtold Prisoner.
Howard< no role >
PowerAnn< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the
Oath of
Daniel Wetherly< no role >
for cuticeing and deluding him from his Accot and
endeavouring to take from him some money & being a loose idle & disorderly Pson.
OrmondMary< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
being chargd by the
Oath of
John Smith< no role >
for picking him up in the Street late night and being
a loose idle and a comon Night walker.
PowellAnn< no role >
P Sr
Richard Brocas< no role >
. being chargd by the
Oath of
John King< no role >
for pilfering from him a French Book of small
value and being a loose idle and disorderly Pson.
Dalton< no role >
Ann< no role >
P Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
being chargd by
William Williams< no role >
for that she is a loose & disorderly
Pson taken at an unseasonable time of the night with a
Man she had pickd up Etc. a
ScratchPatience< no role >
P Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
being chargd by the Oath
Simon Langley< no role >
for that she is a loose idle and disorderly Pson and
frequently making great disturbanses in the Street & being a comon nusance Etc
ClarkeMargt< no role >
. P. Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
being chargd by
Carpenter< no role >
on Oath that she is a loose idle & disorderly Pson
and a comon Night walker & for very much abuseing him
Cout to Labor
BurnhamAnn< no role >
P Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
.being chargd by
Carpenter< no role >
upon oath that she is a loose idle & disorderly Pson and
a comon Night walker Etc. a
ElfeSusan< no role >
. P Sr
Wm. Billers< no role >
being chargd by the
Oath of
Mary Bridgman< no role >
for that she is a loose idle & disorderly Pson
& upon a Strong suspicion of her having stollen from
Thomas Shilton< no role >
a Chamber Pott Etc. a