Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th December 1722 - 15th December 1737

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202050323

Image 323 of 49110th August 1732

Thursday 10th. August 1732

At this Court were elected Comittees of these Hospitals of Bridewell & Betllen
London Vizt.

Bethlem Comittee Anno 1732

Mr. Deputy DavisWilliam Morrice< no role > Esqr
Mr. Robert Fotherby< no role > Mr. Nevil Lemon< no role >
John Elderton< no role > Esqr .Capt. Benjamin Hodges< no role >
Mr. John Pycraft< no role > Mr. William Lanqmore< no role >
Phineas Cheek< no role > Esqr .Mr. Walter Bernard< no role >
Mr. John Vanman< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. Deputy ChownMr. Edward Whitehouse< no role >
Mr. John Lee< no role > John Ratcliffe Smith< no role > Esqr .
Mr. Thomas Cox< no role > Mr. Nicholas Furz< no role >
Mr. William Hyde< no role > Mr. Christopher Oliver< no role >
Mr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Henry Godwin< no role >
Mr. John Becher< no role > Mr. Gilbert Malcher< no role >
Mr. James Danzie< no role > Mr. Stephen Harvey< no role >
Mr. Thomas Nash< no role > Mr. William Brent< no role >
Mr. George Blakesley< no role > Mr. John Cook< no role >
Mr. John Hassell< no role > Mr. Deputy Brewis
Mr. Robert Bishop< no role > Mr. B [..] liel Brownsmith.
Samuel Child< no role > Esqr .Mr. Thomas Hammond< no role >
Capt. Thomas Beckford< no role > Mr. Philip Searth< no role >
Mr. Samuel Smith< no role > Mr. Joshua Hinton< no role >
Mr. Richard Bridgman< no role > Mr. Samuel Moor< no role >

Bridewell Comittee Anno 1732

John Elderton< no role > Esqr Mr. Nevil Lemon< no role >
Henry Bowater< no role > Esqr .Mr. Gilbert Malcher< no role >
Mr. William Hyde< no role > Mr. John Cook< no role >
Mr. William Woolball< no role > Mr. Deputy Brewis
Mr. Robert Hall< no role > Mr. Deputy Pott
Mr. Robert Pycraft< no role > Mr. William Cooper< no role >
Dr. Richard Rawlinson< no role > Mr. Henry Godwin< no role >
Mr. Samuel Smith< no role > Mr. Allen Webb< no role >
Mr. Ambrose Wilson< no role > Thomas Tryon< no role > Esqr .

Mr. Deputy MonkMr. Samuel Clake< no role > of
Phineas Cheek< no role > Esqr .Cooks Court }

Mr. John Lee< no role >
Mr. Deputy Ballard
Mr. William Brent< no role >

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