Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

16th May 1701 - 19th June 1713

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202030589

Image 589 of 74830th June 1710

Margt. Hunt< no role > P Sr Samll. Garrard< no role > Ld. Major.For
pilfering from Eliz. Bruin< no role > an Apron
and on Suspition of takeing Sewall
other things from herCont. to Labor

Benj: Speed< no role > P Sr . John Houblon< no role > For Stealing out
of the Shopp of John Bartholemew< no role >
severall Small things which he
ConfestCont to Labor

Ordr. of Court Confirmd

The Several Orders of the last Court being read
were confirmed by this Court

Govrs. reced their Charge
Noble Major Edwd
Benson Samll. Esqr

Also at this Court Major Edmond Noble< no role > and
Samuel Benson< no role > Esqr . reced their charge as Governors
of these Hospitals.

Stewards for
Elleccon day}

Danvers Mr Jno.
Johnson Mr Robt.
Lyell Mr. Henry
Clarke John Esqr
Frewen Sr. Edwd.
Crispe Sr. Jno.
Chew Wm Esqr
Monger Mr Peter
Wallis Mr Jno.
Lade Jno. Esqr.
Page Gregory Esqr
Conyers Jno. Esqr

Also at this Court the Governors . hereafter named
Vizt. Mr. John Danvers< no role > Mr. Robert Johnson< no role >
Mr. Henry Lyell< no role > John Clarke< no role > Esqr .Sr. Edward
< no role > Sr . John Crispe< no role > Wm. Chew< no role > Esqr . Mr.
Peter Monger< no role > Mr John Wallis< no role > John Lade< no role > Esqr
Gregory Page< no role > Esqr . and John Conyers< no role > Esqr were
chosen Stewards for the next eleccon day of these
hospitals who are desired to provide a Dinner as
their been Venue for the President Treasurer &
Governours to dine together according to antient
custome and in case any of the said Stewards elected
decline or refuse the same The Clerke is to
Supply the Number of Course.

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