Comittee to View
Math Betts< no role >
Upon the humble Peticon of
Mathew Betts< no role >
of an house in Old Bethlem
whose Lease is within
Two Yeares of expiring Setting forth that the said
house is soe very old and Decayed that there will be or
Necessity of rebuilding the Same and that he is willing
to Treat for another Lease soe as he may have
incouragemt. to build praying therefore that a Comittee
may be appointed to view the said house and to treat
within for a New Lease This Court doth appoint
Mr. Trear Mr. Fazacherly Mr.
Samll. Baker< no role >
Lucas Mr. East and Mr. Rons (Governs. of these Hosplls)
or any there of them to view the said house and to
report their opinions in the premisses to the next Court
Dr. Tyson
30 Guineys P ann}
Also Sewell Governr. here prsent moving this Court on
be halfe of Dr
Edwd. Tyson< no role >
Phisitian of the Hospll.
for an Augmentacon of his Yearly Gratuity of fifteen guinney in
respect of the great increase of the Lunaticks in the said
Hospll. of late Yeares and of the Successfull pains and Care
taken by the said Phisitian in Curing a much greater
number of the said Lunaticks for Severall Years last
past then ever had been proporconably cured in times
forgoeing This Court being well Satisfyed with and
acknowledging the great applicacon and success of the
said phisitian in the prmisses Doe Order that Mr. Trear
doe Yearly at Michas (including this prsent year) give
and pay to the said Phisitian Thirty Guineys To continue
during the pleasure of this Court
Beadles of Bridwell
their Gratuities &
for Bals ros.
Also Upon the humble Peticon of the four Peadles and
Portersman of the Hosplls of Bridwell for their usuall
Gratuityes of twenty Shillings a peice in respect of the
halfe Years ending at Michas last And also for Twenty
[..] a peice more for Coals for that the
Petitr. have all familyes to maintaine and Coals and
all provisions continue in Some Measure very dear
This Court upon Consideracon of the prmisses Doth think
fitt and Soe Order That Mr. Treat doe give and pay
unto them Twenty Shillings a peice for their usuall
Gratuities and also Twenty Shillings a peice more to any
them Coals to be allowed Mr. Treat in his next Accompt