Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010412

Image 412 of 50014th September 1694

Mary Daniell< no role > als Carr< no role > (an old Prisonr)

Eliz. Busby< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged for
being a Lewd Person & Comon night Walker
and for want of Sureties

Jane Scott< no role > (an old Prisoner)

Martha Yotman< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major charged
by John Petty< no role > Const for a Comon Night Walker
and Notorious Woman
To Labr.

Mary Dawson< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged
by William Oxender< no role > New Fish Street
Const to be a Comon night Walker and
taken late last night in the Streets

Anne Slaughter< no role >
Eliz. Harrington< no role > }
P Warrt. of Lord Major Charged
by James Cooper< no role > This name instance is in set 2944. for Notorious
Strumpett & Comon night Walker
To Labr.

Mary Fletcher< no role > (an old Prisonr.)

Stephen Davis< no role >

Upon reading the Certificate of Mr. James Smith< no role >
and Mr. Herriott (two of the Governrs . of these Hosplls.)
That upon Inquiry they doe find That Stephen Davis< no role >
Shoemaker (Who was brought up Apprse . with Robt Frost< no role >
Shoemaker (late one of the Artsmars . of this Hospll. decd & who
was Since made a freeman of this Citty by the Approbacon
of this Court) is Sett up for himSelf his Said Trade
and that he hath the repute of a Sober Industrious Young
man and that they Belived Worthy the favour of this
Court It is Ordered by this Court That Mr. Trear Baker
doe give and Pay unto him Tenne Pounds out of the
Profitts of Mrs. Locks Gift the better to enable him to
manage & Carry on his Said Trade to be allowed Mr.
Trear in his Next Account.

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