Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010427

Image 427 of 50012th October 1694

Mr. Wrights
Chrens. Peticon to
be read next Court}

It is Ordered by this Court That the Peticon
of the Children of Mr. Francis Wright< no role > late a Tenant
of the Hospll. of Bridewell be read the next Court

Mrs. Whitwell
to continue in
the Hospll: & to
have 2 of her
husbands boys}

Also upon the Humble Peticon of Katherine Whitwell< no role >
widow of John Whitewell< no role > late an Artsmar . of Bridewell
Hospitall That she may continue in the said Hospitall
the usuall time of three months from her Husbands
death and have two of her said late Hunsbands
Apprentices during that time This Court doth
think fitt to grant the same Which is Ordered

Robt. Ireland< no role >
to be Inquired of}

Also upon the Humble Peticon of Robert Ireland< no role >
Pinmaker (who was brought up Apprentice with William
< no role > Pinmaker (One of the Artsmar . of this Hospll.) and
Since made a Freeman of this Citty by the approbacon of
this Court and who is sett up for himself in his said Trade
(as he alledgeth) at Mr. Greenaways in Goat Alley in
Whitecross Street ) for some part of Mr. Locks Gift the
better to enable him to manage his said Trade It is
Ordered by this Court That Mr. Justice Underhill Mr.
Withnall and Mr. Deputy Emms (three of the Govers. of
these Hosplls) or any two of them be desired to inquire of
the said Robt. Ireland whether he be soe sett up in his said
Trade and of his hope fullness there in and to make Report
there of to the next Court

Wm. Rench< no role > to
be Inquired of

Also upon the humble Peticon of Wm. Rench< no role > Cittizen
& Glover of London (who was brought up Apprentice
with John Fowler< no role > Glover (One of the Artsmaster of these
Hosplls.) and Since made a Freeman of this Citty by

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