then now it is & a double house and to lay out in building
not less then fifty pound besides the prsent. Materialls and
paying a Fine of Tenne pound [..] with wth. the said Mathew
Betts< no role >
being acquainted did than fully accept the same and
It is further Ordered that it be left to the Same Comittee
to consider of the Comodionsness & practicableness of making
a Diane in Old Bethlem
for the benefitt of the Hosplls.
houses there who are to Report their Opinions therein to
this Court
Mr. Wright Clmens
Peticon referred}
Also upon the Humble Peticon of
Jeffery< no role >
Elizabeth< no role >
Hester Wright< no role >
(children of
Francis Wright< no role >
of the Precinct of Bridewell
playing for the reasons and upon the Consideracons in the
Same Peticon mentioned) an Addition of yeares to a Lease
Lace of their father whereof there are about 25 years
now to come and also a committance of 25s. a yeare and
the arrears thereof payable by their late father his Exers.
and Admrs. in respect of some incroachmts. by him made
on the ground of Bridewell
Hospll. This Court doth refere
the Consideracon of the said Peticon to the Committee of
Hosplls: to whom are to be added Mr.
Samll. Baker< no role >
Mr. Dept. Fazakerly Mr. Tucefield Mr. Holton and Mr.
Turvin (Gowinrs. of these Hosplls) or any five of them who
are desired to report their opinions touching the prmisses to
the next Court
Mr. Elwice sd
Peticon referred}
Also Upon the humble peticon of Mr.
John Elwice< no role >
who is
become the Hospll. Tenent of 4 Houses at Wapping
hereto fore of
Gregory Page< no role >
. & by him devised to his Daughter (the said Mr.
Elwicks wife) shewing that the said Houses are old and worn out
and that he is willing to rebuild and improve the pemisses in case this
Court will give him encouragmt. by a further number of years
praying therefore a view of the said houses in Order to a further
treaty concerning the same This Court doth nominate Mr. Trear
Mr. Dept. Gardiner Mr. Bassano Mr. Park Mr. Justice Underhill Mr.
Lambert and Mr. Turvin or any four of them to be Committee to
View the said Houses and to consider of the said Peticon and to
report their opinions of the prmisses to the next Court.
Wm. Norman
Chosen Artsmar
Also Upon the humble Peticon of
Wm. Norman< no role >
Cittizen and
of London to be admitted one of the Artsmars. of this Hosplls
in the room of
John Whitwell< no role >
lately deced And Severall Worthy
Governrs. of these Hosplls. giving a very good Character of the said
Wm. Norman< no role >
It is Ordered by this Court That he be admitted
an Artsmars. accordingly during the Pleasure of this Court on Such
Security and under such Covenants as are usuall in like cases
and that he shall have the two Apprentices lately granted to the
John Whitewells< no role >
widow as soon as her time of a biding in the
said Hospll. is expired.