Eliz: Graves< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Edward Clarke< no role >
by Mr. Powett Constables of St. Sepulchres
being a Comon night walker and being taken
about 1 of the Clock this morning by his
watchman lying on Fleet Lane
Staines and
Eliz: Powett< no role >
P Warrt. of Mr. Recorder charged
by many watts to be a Lewd woman and
and idle Pson and one that can give noe
good Account of her Selfe And for want of
To Labr. till she find out the souldier
that wounded Watts & to have noe
more then she Earns
Eliz: Allen< no role >
P Warrant of Lord Major being
an idle Vagrant and being Suspected to be
concerned with Sewall Psons who Robbed
Mr. Moor in Exchange Alley
Mary Ward< no role >
P Warrt of Lord Major being a
Known Lewd and disorderly woman and
taken up wandring in the Streets by the
Constables last night
Jane Murry< no role >
Eliz: Prince< no role > This name instance is in set 2948.
Taken up by John Daw< no role >
of Castle Baynard
ward late at
night being Lewd idle Woman
To Labr.
Jane Barras< no role >
P Warrt. of Mr. Recorder charged
by John Maning< no role >
her master
for Misbehaving
her self to him and unlawfully departing
from the Service of her said master without
his Consent