Eliz: Bird< no role >
P Warrant of St. Robt Geffery< no role >
charged by Constant Stoeford< no role >
upon Suspicon
of Stealing a pair of Stocking from here
Mary Forster< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Edwd. Clarke< no role >
charged by John Case< no role >
her Master
for embezilling a Porringer and Cupp
of Silver wth. he had entrusted her with all
she being a Comon Pilferer
Mary Kemp< no role >
(an old Prisonr from the Sessions)
Sarah Green< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Edwd. Clarke< no role >
being midle Lewd Pson taken by the
watch about 2 of the Clock this Morning
not being able to give any good Account of
herselfe she being found in Sewall Stories
and taken also in the Company of a Man of
Evill behaviour
Mary Coskin< no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
. Robt. Geffery< no role >
on Suspicion of having Stolne Sewall things
from a Pson unknown
Mary Tanner< no role >
Eliz: Parrott< no role >
P Order of Sessions charged
on Oath to be Lewd and wicked
Psons of evill life and behaviour
and Comon & incontinent livers and have
Sedmed their Maties Subjects to evill life &
behaviour and have Comitted Leivdness with
divers psons to the breath of the Peace and
promocon of Wickedness
Anne Royall< no role >
P Warrt. P Warrt. of Sr
. Edward
Clarke< no role >
charged by Eliz: Forster< no role >
upon Oath
on Suspicion of Stealing from her 1 Coat 2
Boulters 1 Pillow 1 Rugg 1 Pair of sheets
And Sewall other goods
To Labr. till 40s. be pd