Frances Tho Smith < no role >
P Warrt. of Sr
Robt. Geffery< no role >
Robert Tumners< no role >
for a Loose idle Pson
suspected to be a pick pockett
To Labr. till next Court
Mary Newport< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged by
Peter Humfreys< no role >
upon Suspicon of picking his
pockett of Eleaven Shillings Suspected to be an
idle Lewd Pson giving noe good Account of
her life and Conversaiton for want of Sm [..]
for her appeareament at the nex Sessions of the Peace
To Labr
Susanna Harris< no role >
P Warrant of Lord Mayor charged
by Anne Harman< no role >
upon Suspicon of pilfering from
her a gold ring and Two pieces of Gold knowne
to be a pilfering person and for want of Suretices
for her appearance at the next Sessions of the Peace
Kath: Lewis< no role >
P Warrant of Sr
. John Honblon< no role >
accused to be a night walker and a way Lewd and
incontinent pson
Mary Kemp< no role >
P Order of Sessions being a Person
of Evill behaviour
To Labr.
Anne Porter< no role >
(an Old Prisoner)
Eleanor Rawlinson< no role > This name instance is in set 2761.
Als Fulford
&< no role >
Elizabeth Thorne< no role >
P Warrt. of Lord Major
charged by James Jenkins< no role > This name instance is in set 2762.
and Bodenham Renss being idle Lewd persons
and Suspected to be comon Pickpockett and for
want to Sureties for their apprentices and good